hobie 16 aftermarket main sail blue white medium blue
Only one in stock, local customer special ordered but decided to build a 14 instead. Price discounted vs special order price
Murrays H16 Main Sail 6.0oz Dacron
The Murrays H16 Main Sail 6.0oz Dacron is patterned after the factory Hobie® 16 main sail, spec-ed by Murrays and crafted by Hyde Sails UK. With over 50 years of sail making experience, Hyde knows how to pack their sails with features and value. We use Challenge 6.03-oz. Dacron®, that is computer-controlled laser cut. The panels and patches are then assembled with a special two sided adhesive tape before they are machine stitched. The sail is then “finished” by adding the boards, rings, hanks etc. The last step is quality control, the QC specialists use a check sheet as they go over each sail for flaws or errors and make sure the original specifications have been met before the Murrays/Hyde Sails label is attached. These sails are very robust, with lots of reinforcements built in. They are built to last.
Sails includes: viewing windows, tell tails, reinforced batten sleeves where they hit the shrouds, pocket protectors and a sail bag.
Battens not included: Uses stock Hobie batten set.
Limited to stock on hand: this item has live inventory, so if you can buy it we have it.
This sail is not made by Hobie, therefore not legal for Hobie Class racing